

Being a good leader can enhance your life in so many ways. It allows you to gain respect both at home and in business. Now I’m not talking about a high powered official here, I’m referring to the type of leader that develops loyal followers, a leader who is positive, inspiring and empowering, motivating people to perform better and feel good about performing better. Below are some ways you can become a good leader!

Set the Standard

If you are to be taken seriously as a leader you must lead by example. Do what you teach don’t just preach it. You must exemplify the behaviours and qualities that you encourage in the people you intend to lead. Decide what those behaviours and qualities are and get to work on them. Let people know that you are true to your teachings.


A good leader knows what their people need and want. If you want people to join you, you must identify what they need and want. You must listen to them. Not only that, you must continue to listen to them. Keep communication open so there is a sense of security and certainty that you are on their side, that they can come to you in one way or another if they need help or clarification. This could be anything from offering a support service to having a one-to-one private conversation.

Become Passionate and Positive

People will not support someone who doesn’t care about what they do. In that regard, you must show passion and enthusiasm for what you do. If you are passionate and enthusiastic, others will pick that up and they will become passionate and enthusiastic about supporting the task at hand. Even in the tough times make sure you maintain a positive solution-focused approach. Let your people know that you are worth supporting, that you believe in what you do and that you are dedicated to its success.

Encourage Creativity and Input

Encouraging people to give their ideas, setting goals with them and helping them to achieve those goals is essential to becoming a good leader. It allows people to feel that you value and support them and that you care about their growth and success. Remember, some people don’t feel supported in any area of their lives by anyone. You can be the person who helps them feel that they are worthwhile.

Appreciate and Reward

Feeling appreciated is one of the top rated reasons why people stay loyal to an employer but appreciation extends to all manner of situations. Appreciation is a way of letting others know that they are valued, that their importance has been noted. Show people appreciation by thanking them for their efforts, supporting their development and by rewarding their successes. For example, you might show appreciation by giving a personally written Thank You card, by offering rewards for positive performance and meeting targets or by recognising work done well in front of others. There are so many ways to appreciate so think about ways you can show your appreciation for the people who are loyal to you.

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